by Jennifer Lendvai-Lintner
Moms are a powerful force. Of course we care for and nurture our children—that’s what we are called to do. But on my journey, I’ve been witness to the myriad ways moms show up for each other, too. Over and over again, I see mothers extend their gentle care and compassion to others on the path.
Since May is the month in which we celebrate moms, this month I’m kicking off a series on the blog which I hope will be ongoing. In it, I plan to spotlight some remarkable women who, each in her own way, shines light in difficult times or extraordinary circumstances for themselves, for their families, and for others. My goal in sharing their stories is to celebrate, honor and appreciate the incredible power within each of us. I hope we can take a moment to marvel at the good—to recognize how light and hope shine through even the darkest of spaces.
Every few weeks on The Best We Have to Give, you'll meet a mom who has been a source of light for me. I know they’ll be the same for you. As you read their stories presented here, I urge you not only to appreciate the light shared by the women featured, but to take a look at how you are doing the same. Your iteration won’t look exactly the way theirs does, but it's a fact that light is present in you. For my mama readers—it’s the ways in which you are doing your best, however that looks. It’s how you show up for your child or children; it’s how you show up for yourself; it’s the bit of encouragement you pass along in a text, a DM or a comment. That light matters. Honor it and appreciate it. On this road, I choose to look for the light, and for me, you moms out there, are it.

Custom embroidered artwork from the author's home. This piece was created and stitched by Christal Huth of iSewpose.
[Image description: The embroidery hoop depicts a pair of hands stitched in black thread cupped together and cradling emanating rays of light from their center. The rays of light are stitched in golden thread. This stitching is on a white background framed with a light wood embroidery hoop.]